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Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw

Project Overview 

The Town of Athabasca has engaged ISL Engineering and Land Services Ltd. (ISL) to undertake a targeted review and update of the Town’s current Municipal Development Plan (MDP) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB). This work will reflect recent changes in provincial legislation and better meet community needs now and into the future. 

What is the purpose of a Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw?

The MDP:

  • Serves as a roadmap that guides community growth, development, and infrastructure needs
  • Identifies goals, objectives, and policies to link the physical and social development of the community 
  • Contains general policies about future land use, development, sustainability, transportation, utilities, and municipal facilities. 

The LUB:

  • Organizes the town into land use districts (ex. commercial, residential, industrial, etc.) and identifies how land and buildings within each district may be used.
    1. Sets standards for lot size, setbacks, and building height. 
    2. Outlines requirements for parking, signage, and landscaping.
  • Establishes decision-making processes for land development applications

Why is the Town updating its MDP and LUB?

The current MDP and LUB were adopted in 2010, and updates to some sections are needed to make sure they address community needs, reflect changes in the community and development trends, and align with recent changes in provincial legislation. 

You can learn about and review the current MDP and LUB here: 

Updating Sections of the MDP and LUB

The Town and consultant team will be completing the following steps to update the MDP and LUB:

  • Reviewing the content and structure of the current MDP and LUB, focusing on sections that may be outdated based on current community needs, development trends, and recent changes to provincial legislation. 
  • Gathering feedback from Town Administration, Council, residents, and interest holders to understand local challenges and opportunities.
  • Updating sections of the MDP and LUB based on Town and public feedback.
  • Presenting proposed updates to the public and interest holders to gather feedback that will be considered when refining and finalizing the updates.
  • Making final revisions to the MDP and LUB.
  • Presenting the draft MDP and LUB to Council for consideration and adoption.

Project Timeline

The project kicked off in August 2024 and is expected to be completed by August 2025. 

Public Engagement

Public feedback is an important part of the MDP and LUB update process. Residents and interest holders will have the opportunity to participate in two rounds of engagement, the first in September/October 2024, and the second in April/May 2025. Feedback received will be used to inform proposed updates to the MDP and LUB. 

You’re Invited!

The first round of engagement (Sept/October 2024) will involve sharing information about the project and gathering your feedback on community values, issues of importance, and how you envision Athabasca in the future. 

Provide your feedback by participating in one of the following engagement activities:

Pop-up Event
Saturday, September 28, 2024
11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Athabasca Regional Multiplex – Foyer
 2 University Drive, Athabasca

Online Survey
September 26 - October 15, 2024

 Youth Drawing Contest
Youth under 18 are invited to submit a drawing of places or things they love about the community or something they hope it will have in the future (e.g., places to live, hang out, work, etc.).

Pick-up your drawing contest sheet at the Town Office or pop-up event (details above) or click here to download it. Submit it by October 15, 2024.