Did you know....the pipe that runs under your home to the property line is the homeowner’s responsibility.
If that section of pipe gets clogged with large objects being flushed down a toilet, a large amount of grease from the kitchen sink, or by the roots of the trees on your lawn, it is the homeowner’s responsibility.
Finding garbage in the wastewater has been a long-time battle.
Sewer Manhole Backup.
Garbage and items removed daily from the town sewer collection system.
Wipes removed during the twice daily cleaning of the trash racks (almost 1 20L a day, 25lbs of wipes.
Trash pulled from sewer, one bucket per day.
Paint found in the Wet Well
at the Main Lift Station.
Main lift station clean trash racks.
Main lift station fouled trash racks.
Main lift station pump impeller blocked by trash.
Trash removed from main lift station pump impeller.
Sanitary manhole back up.